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Save 30% using your HSA/FSA


Your future payments might be eligible for reimbursement through HSA/FSA funds. Exercise is medicine and can often count for tax-free spending - saving an average of 30%.

Click the button below to start the qualification process.

  • If TrueMed determines that fitness can help prevent or reverse a health condition you care about (making it eligible for HSA/FSA), they will send you a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN)
  • Once you are approved, just submit your future receipts and LMN to your HSA/FSA provider for reimbursement. You can also shift payments to your HSA card. Truemed guarantees reimbursement.
  • TrueMed will send instructions to get reimbursed and their customer support team will be available to assist. Truemed guarantees reimbursement once qualified.